We Are Art!

Not just Wine&Fashion. The excellence of Made in Italy art exhibition in China. Partners Metamorphosis and Resource Valley IMC.

Making Business Happen in collaboration with its partners Metamorfosi and Resource Valley IMC, between 2015 and 2016 organised in Shanghai and Shenzhen (China) three top-level exhibitions with unique works dedicated to three great artists: Pablo Picasso, Andy Warhol and Mimmo Rotella. We combined our project management skills with the reputation and curatorship of Metamorfosi, with the strength of the marketing and media relations of our local partner. The success of the three exhibitions was attested by the presence of over 100,000 visitors. The exhibition’s concept was curated by our partners, GAA-Giraldi Architetti Associati


From Scandicci to internationa markets. A year of "personal training" to prepare for foreign markets.

This Tuscan company, founded in 2012, specialises in the design and production of coin handling equipment, is an example of a micro-mechanical company of Made in Italy excellence, a leader in industrial automation for gaming. Valeria Cosi, its new CEO, chose Making Business Happen in 2020 – during the pandemic – with the double challenge facing her of generational change and repositioning on the Italian and international market. For a brand characterised by innovation, technology and quality, we chose to focus on the empowerment of people and product differentiation, especially by improving the internal expertise and the growth of the R&D area so as to be able to offer custom made solutions to national and international clients. Thanks to these actions, Creom has already achieved an important result with the signing of a number of commercial agreements. This has been a complex and transversal job, working and building together with the whole Creom team, starting from its Brand Management and preparation for internationalisation, and has included studying the market and the competition as well as scouting for new business contacts, all of this incorporated in the global strategy change management, supported by corporate coaching.


Dynamo Energies

Renewable energy Made in Italy. Sustainable design and energy independence for the US market.

Dynamo Energies designs and builds machines for the production of clean renewable energy that guarantees energy independence. Founded as an innovative start-up, it chose Making Business Happen for its launch onto the international markets, particularly in the United States. We took action on two fronts. We presented the project to a series of stakeholders to raise visibility and endorsement, and subsequently for its positioning on the American market (with a focus on Florida and California) through various measures: evaluation of business opportunities, market analysis and sector studies, profiling and contact activation, scouting for potential partners in the US market, verification of business opportunities. The brand has become stronger and stronger; and has recently successfully completed a further round of fundraising.


Fox Bar Italia

From the province of Abruzzo to international markets. The success story of the Pavone brothers' "Italian aperitif".

A company leader today in the production of aperitif snacks with attention to the health and new food needs of international consumers (vegan & gluten free). Making Business Happen supported the repositioning of the brand – also reconceptualising the graphic, format and packaging aspects – in new niche market, from GDO to vending machines. From 2014 to 2016 we closely supervised and coordinated the promotion of the brand, its international commercial development and international marketing office; and when it participated in national and foreign trade fairs, organised business meetings and networking events. For example, in Cologne, for the ISM, we tested an innovative concept dedicated to importers, distributors, buyers who were “won over” by Fox Bar Italia products, confirming the success of the project.


Frantoio Pruneti

From producers of extra virgin olive oil of excellence in Tuscany, to promoters of a new concept & lifestyle Made in Chianti Classico so as to conquer international markets.

Gianni and Paolo are fourth generation of extra virgin olive oil producers who wanted to make their product known outside of Tuscany. We worked together carefully on their Brand Equity Building, focusing on innovation and repositioning of the brand and its international commercial development. Also thanks to the opportunities offered by subsidised finance and non-repayable loans, we accompanied the strengthening of this internationalisation process, particularly by managing to identify trade partners in the US and EU markets. Furthermore, we developed the Pruneti Extra Gallery and the Pruneti Lifestyle concept, with the definition of a concept store focused on communicating the culture of extra virgin olive oil in Greve in Chianti (Florence) with a healthy, natural and sustainable lifestyle linked to the brand Pruneti. Today, Pruneti is a brand immediately recognisable for its authenticity and excellence and exports to many countries.


Il Bronzetto

The added value of the temporary export manager. From "artisans" of Florentine bronze to a company with customers all over the world.

Il Bronzetto was founded in 1963 in Oltrarno and thanks to the traditional Florentine artisans, it creates furniture and lighting in brass and bronze of undisputed quality and mastery. Over time, international scenarios change and the need to be present in other markets has grown. In 2017, Bronzetto chose Making Business Happen as its Temporary Export Manager, entrusting us not only with the definition and management of its business strategy in foreign markets (we particularly focused on the US), but also with the mission of redefining the brand with a view to growing its Brand Equity and expanding its core business towards the sale, not only of products of excellence, but of artefacts that are the result of an artisanal and highly personalised work. It was a winning strategy. Today Bronzetto boasts 2450 customers all over the world and has a catalogue of 5762 products.


La Scolca

La Scolca, Gavi dei Gavi, from their centenary celebrations to the phygital media relations in the Covid-19 era. An example of effective global brand management rewarded by media and consumers.

Our relationship with Chiara Soldati began at Vinitaly 2018 when Making Business Happen was chosen from among other competitors to support the company in the celebration of 100 years in 2019. This was mostly due to our distinctive approach compared to other “communication” companies. This important, prestigious task, that required a great deal of responsibility on our part, allowed us to coordinate the company’s communication and marketing team to strengthen their brand awareness, enhance Chiara Soldati’s leadership and support trade partners in over 45 countries.
In 2019, on the occasion of the centenary, we took care of the PR & media relations and the general coordination of the events, in particular the Gala Dinner at the MUDEC in Milan on 15 April 2019, with the gastronomic creations of Chef Enrico Bartolini, and the Grand Opening of the new cellar and lounge terrace at Tenuta La Scolca, on 24 May 2019.
With the first lockdown in 2020, we were among the first to experiment with digital tasting so as to maintain a direct connection with the media, trade partners and consumers so as to give more attention to authenticity, identity and “organic” coverage. At the same time, we communicated in an innovative way their new wine experiences at the La Scolca estate with the La Scolca Wine Club Card; the opening of the e-commerce site, as well as other high profile partnerships such as those with Ferretti Yacht and Bentley Milano.
In 2021, we have the launch of a new label “La Scolca” destined in particular for the Russian, German, Ukrainian and Canadian markets as well as other new products.


Terme di Chianciano

Terme di Chianciano: from an iconic brand of the Dolce Vita to an international health and wellness destination in Tuscany.

Our project started in 2018 with an ambitious goal: to relaunch the Terme di Chianciano Brand by enhancing the Acqua Santa/beauty assets of Tuscany by focusing on the communication of healthy and natural lifestyles through the use of an accessible and contemporary language.
Together with its in-house team, we designed a new communication and marketing strategy, focusing on listening and empathy with the evolution of the feel & mood, especially during the months of the pandemic; keeping the relationship with customers and prospects active while safeguarding the value of brand (brand protection).
We transferred to the communication and marketing team the skills necessary to reconceptualise their mind-set, moving from an organization focused on the “production” of services and products to have more focus on customers, user experience and markets. All this while in doing so paying particular attention to profiling methodologies and to the analysis and updating of data.
We implemented an online and offline communication plan aimed at repositioning the Terme di Chianciano Brand in Italy and abroad, involving bloggers, influencers, enhancing social communication in addition to traditional media.
A fundamental part of the relaunch program was the organization of evening events within the Theia Thermal Pools and cultural programming within the Acqua Santa Park which was linked to the centenary of Maestro Fellini in collaboration with ANSA and Toscana Promozione. This was made possible through the use of the wide open spaces and the natural use of the Chianciano Spa as a place to enjoy culture and as one of the remaining few spaces capable of guaranteeing a safe social venue.
The organisation of the photographic exhibition “Chianciano, Le Terme in the magic of Fellini’s cinema”, in the Acqua Santa Park, inaugurated on 31 July 2020, was linked to the discovery of 65 unpublished photographs from the location inspection for the sequence in the 1957 Oscar-winning film from Divino Amore – Le Notte di Cabiria. We conceptualised and launched the Terme di Chianciano Film Award within the Review of the Terra di Siena International Film Festival as a driver of development and attraction of incoming flows for the years to come.
On the international market front, we presented the Chianciano Spa to over 300 Italian and international tour operators with a focus on the United States, Europe and Russia and assisted the internal team on the occasion of B2B and participation in trade fairs in Italy and abroad, both by being present and also digitally which included: the “Les Thermalies” Fair in Paris (from 23 to 26 January 2020 with Toscana Promozione), the Italian Luxury Workshop (New York 29 – 30 October 2019, promoted by Toscana Promozione), the “China International Import Expo “(from 5 to 10 November 2019 in Shanghai with Federterme), the Buongiorno Italia Fair (Moscow 8-11 December 2018), the TTG Incontri Fair in Rimini (10 -12 October 2018) and, on the digital front, the latest edition of Buy Tuscany 2020 with B2B meeting online. On the occasion of the events and fairs, the new offers were presented, in particular “Luxury” and “remise en forme”, and experiences reconceptualised for the Italian and international operators.
Since March 2020, with the first lockdown, we have integrated the relaunch action with a proactive approach to the marketing of Acqua Santa and the salts and cosmetics from the Chianciano Spa, with a telemarketing plan for the promotion and sale of experiences and products, the development of the proprietary e-commerce channel and the insertion of products on the main marketplaces.
After these two years, the Chianciano Spa, also thanks to the arrival of new investors, are ready to take a decisive step towards digital transformation, organisational change and to compete fully among the top international destinations for spa treatments and wellness in Tuscany, both for those traveling alone and for those who love to move with family and friends.


DiCristian Dessert

Con un'esperienza di oltre 4 generazioni nella produzione di prodotti da forno, DiCristian Dessert ed il suo pastry chef Cristian Agresti hanno oggi una reputazione di rilievo nel mercato italiano ed internazionale.

With more than 4 generations of experience and passion for baked goods, DiCristian Dessert’s frozen pastries has reached an outstanding internationalization.
With his new revolutionary product the “Babarattolo”, Making Business Happen worked on opening new market opportunities and showing the world the magnificent tradition of this Neapolitan dessert. Our team at Making Business Happen was able to prepare the brand for internationalization by strengthening the brand image, packaging efficiency and positioning of the product, so the team could introduce in a second phase Cristian’s art in more than 30 countries as Temporary Export Managers. The synergy of these actions created extraordinary business partnerships with distributors and buyers around the world. The most important achievement was the introduction of DiCristian Dessert to the US importer TerraMar, with which the company established a partnership to sell the Babarattolo in the US market.

Sito Internet


Con oltre 160 anni di esperienza come tessitori in Anghiari, la famiglia Busatti ha creato un Brand iconico ammirato e apprezzato da molte aziende e clienti in tutto il mondo.

With more than 160 years of experience, the Busatti’s family created an iconic brand that is admired and appreciated by many businesses and clients around the world. Born of weavers from Anghiari, Tuscany, this brand is a symbol of Italian excellence with its refined textiles and intricate designs. Making Business Happen worked with this amazing brand to create a stronger brand identity that could easily transmit quality, history and elegance. With a series of catalog implementations, tradeshows and e-commerce integration, we were able to build the international reputation of this company. During the process, Making Business Happen worked on many fronts to bring Busatti’s fine fabrics in many fields such as catering, interior design, hotel industry, wedding planning, and much more.

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Creazioni Antonella

Nella sua sede storica a Pesaro dal 1962 Creazioni Antonella realizza capi di abbigliamento unici con passione, artigianalità ed eleganza, diventando un vero punto di riferimento nel mondo dell'alta moda.

With an historical seat in Pesaro since 1962 where production, administration and showroom are concentrated, Creazioni Antonella has been making unique clothings with passion, craftsmanship and elegance; they are a true point of reference in the world of haute couture.
Made in Italy is known worldwide as a banner of excellence, which shows itself best in Antonella’s collections. We decided to partner with this family-owned company to bring Creazioni Antonella and Tesei (their emerging, extravagant sub-brand) into new markets. In a world where online shopping is at its peak, Making Business Happen was able to modernize and elevate the customer experience, by positioning these brands in emerging e-commerce platforms such as JOOR and Mirta. Concurrently, we worked as Temporary Export Managers at trade shows and events in United States, new York, and Russa, Moscow, to build business connections and networks with distributors, retail owners, personal shoppers and showrooms.

Sito Internet


Aliveda è un brand innovativo leader nel settore della fitoterapia, il cui obiettivo è curare il benessere delle persone sulla base di rimedi esclusivamente naturali, con un approccio olistico e integrato e coerente con la medicina ufficiale.

Aliveda is a health company focused on improving people’s overall wellbeing with natural remedies. With their phytotherapic dietary supplements they focus on the causes and not on the symptoms of pathologies. We partnered with Aliveda to improve R&D in the supplements industry. Our goal was to provide doctors and patients with the best low-impact solutions that can help against pathologies. In the first part of our marketing strategy, we focused on building a stronger brand identity through social media platforms with the end goal of bringing more awareness in the dietary industry. This first action laid the fundamentals for our internationalization strategy through the D-TEM service. We particularly focused on the American market by partnering with e-commerce platforms to carry the brand, specifically Amazon.

Sito Internet


Pizza&Other, a pochi chilometri da Napoli, produce pizze e altri prodotti da forno surgelati secondo la tradizione dei maestri pizzaioli napoletani.

Pizza&Other, a few kilometers from Naples, produces pizzas and other baked goods according to tradition.The products are made, with great care of the processing phases, in their laboratory where modern equipment supports but does not replace expert hands and gestures related to tradition.
Pizza & Other was born at the end of 2014 in Avellino, Campania. The perfect fusion between the managerial experience and the ability to make artisan pizzas worked very well for the company to create a whole label of frozen gourmet pizzas. Making Business Happen started collaborating with this amazing brand to increase brand awareness abroad. Nowadays over 30% of the pizzas produced are sold abroad especially in France, Greece, England, Germany, Malta, and the United States. With our leadership in the export management department, we helped to build up a community of pizza lovers and retailers that appreciate the real authentic flavor of Italian pizza.

Sito Internet


Ortìa è un brand innovativo 100% vegetale, ma prodotto con lo stesso processo di un prodotto caseario.

Ortìa is the embodiment of 100% plant-based, dairy free creations. Conceived by its visionary founders Irene Pozzoli, Edoardo Pozzoli, and Francisco Garcia Molinari, Ortìa presents a range of spreadable creams that are not only 100% plant based and natural but also boast a high protein nutritional profile. These exquisite creations are designed to be savored at any hour of the day, offering endless possibilities for culinary exploration and experimentation.
Making Business Happen as Digital Temporary Export Manager supports the Company with the international lounch of the brand connecting them with international importers, distributors and retailers, focusing on European market.

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Fratelli Marano

Dal 1930, da tre generazioni, Fratelli Marano produce dolci e torte con protagonista il rinomato e caratteristico fico calabrese, il Fico Dottato.

Fratelli Marano is an esteemed company with roots dating back to 1930, located in Calabria, South of Italy. Over three generations, Fratelli Marano has been dedicated producers of sweets and cakes featuring the renowned and distinctive Calabrian fig, Fico Dottato. Their offerings range from the cherished traditional Calabrian figs, known as “Crocette,” to innovative creations incorporating other Calabrian excellences such as bergamot, licorice, and chil.
Additionally, they pride in crafting classic chocolate figs and candied covered fruit. Fratelli Marano prides itself on seamlessly blending heritage with innovation; each product is meticulously handcrafted in Italy, utilizing only the finest and authentic raw materials.
Making Business Happen supports Fratelli Marano in the expansion of the American market with the selection and activation of new trade contacts and new digital and traditional sales channels.

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I AM THE OCEAN, The Art Luxury House

Luxury brand emergente – fondato da designer americani - che combina l’eccellenza della manifattura artigiana toscana con l'utilizzo di materiali innovativi di origine vegetale e tecnologie all'avanguardia.

I AM THE OCEAN, The Art Luxury House è un Luxury brand emergente – fondato da designer americani – che combina l’eccellenza della manifattura artigiana toscana con l’utilizzo di materiali innovativi di origine vegetale e tecnologie all’avanguardia, la cui mission è quella di rivoluzionare il concetto di lusso con la creazione di un cambiamento consapevole.
Making Business Happen ha curato le fasi del lancio del brand partendo dall’analisi del mercato per identificare il target audience, la vision e mission e i valori del Brand, curando gli aspetti legati alla brand Identity e coordinando le attività di comunicazione con Mirai Bay, partner digital dal 2018, per la definizione del piano di comunicazione digital e la costruzione del sito web e e-commerce proprietario.
Making Business Happen ha curato anche le PR & Media Relation per il Brand con una strategia di comunicazione on-line e off-line che ha consentito di ottenere pubblicazioni organiche in magazine di settore tra cui Vogue Italia.

Sito Internet

Il Tuo Banco - The Urban Street Farmers

Il Tuo Banco, un'azienda a conduzione familiare fondata nel 1966, cresciuta negli anni fino a diventare, da piccolo negozio di alimentari ambulante, a importante punto di riferimento nel territorio maremmano per la vendita di prodotti alimentari toscani locali artigianali.

Founded in 1966 as a small family business and acquired in 2002 by the Melchionda family, under the name Il Tuo Banco da Cira & Gerry, today the business has grown, nurturing a passion for spreading the authentic flavors of the Maremma in Tuscany and sharing them with the world.
The food culture, the focus on the quality of raw materials, the commitment to support small local producers, and the preservation of territory have inspired the foundation of Il Tuo Banco – The Urban Street Farmers. Il Tuo Banco’s story is a solid weave of authenticity and generational continuity, from Cira & Gerry to Mayta & Alessio. This shared passion represents a fundamental pillar of the brand evolution, aimed at preserving the identity of the business.
Alessio Melchionda and Mayta Scotto, the owners of Il Tuo Banco – The Urban Street Farmers and partners in life, are expanding their business to reach a global audience. They just launched the e-commerce store and the street food franchising business model to share the flavors of Tuscany with people all over the world.

Internet Site

Gabriele Rocchi

Handmade in Florence

The Gabriele Rocchi artisan pastry lab was born from the passion of two brothers, Gabriele and Francesco Rocchi, who founded the company in 2021.
All Gabriele Rocchi’s creations are made in the artisan workshop in Florence.
The production processes are managed by hand, in a strictly artisanal way.
Gabriele Rocchi’s creations are real delights for the palate: from Salted Caramel biscuits with Fior di sale from Cervia, the Cantuccini with Avola Almonds, the innovative “Ovo di Frolla” biscuit, the spreadable creams with Piedmont Hazelnut PGI and Salted Caramel with Fior di Sale from Cervia – to name some of them – and the line of traditional leavened products, Panettone and Pandoro.
Each Gabriele Rocchi creation born from a deep study of food chemistry, from a careful selection of raw materials, focusing on the choice of first-rate ingredients, up to a design that takes into account shape, size, texture, smells and, finally, an adequate presentation to preserve the elegance and freshness of each creation.
Making Business Happen supports Gabrile and Francesco Rocchi in the brand positioning process and building brand awareness in the international markets, with focus on United States and Uk, with the selection and activation of new trade contacts and new digital and traditional sales channels.

Pastificio Carmiano

Jealous guardian and priviledge heir of Gragnanese Pasta Art.

Specialized in the production of pasta according to the ancient Gragnano tradition, Pastificio Carmiano was born from the union of the passion for taste and respect for tradition with the wisdom and dedication of those who dedicate their lives to the art of pasta making every day.
Craftsmanship is the absolute protagonist of the working method. Slow processing, prevalence of manual processes, selection of the best Italian grains, environmental sustainability and attention to
details are the guidelines of Pastificio Carmiano workshop activities.
Pastificio Carmiano is recognized as an operator within the Pasta di Gragnano I.G.P. circuit. This
guarantees the authentic origin of the product and protects against the risks of counterfeiting
and abuse, offering consumers maximum confidence in its quality.

Making Business Happen supports Pastificio Carmiano in the expansion of international markets with Digital Temporary Export Management activities, with a particular focus on the United States market, with definition of marketing strategy and selection and activation of relationships with local trade partners.

Internet Site

Olio Piro

High antioxidant extra virgin olive oil

Launched in the USA in 2020 by the brother and sister team Romain Piro and Marie-Charlotte Piro, Olio Piro expertly crafts an exceptional high antioxidant extra virgin olive oil loved for its distinctive flavor and outstanding health benefits.
Winner of global contests and involved in prestigious collaborations such as Eleven Madison Home for Eleven Madison Park, Piro redefines the ultra-premium Extra Virgin Olive Oil category.
Respect for nature and tradition, a deep commitment to innovation and sustainability and a fervent devotion to quality at every step of their business are the core values of the company and brand.
Making Business Happen conducted a market research and analysis activity for Piro, with a focus on Germany, Japan and the UK, to understand the current dynamics of the extra virgin olive oil market in these countries, the business development opportunities and the market entry strategies.

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Le Bontà

Superior quality Italian sauces and soups, made with the finest raw materials and able to satisfy all ethical and taste needs of national and European consumers.

Le Bontà is a premium brand made in Tuscany, renowned for its exceptional quality and authentic flavors that embody the essence of Italian culinary tradition.
Committed to craftsmanship and excellence, Le Bontà offers a range of gourmet products designed to elevate any dining experience.

To facilitate their global expansion, Making Business Happen is supporting Le Bontà thoroughly with digital temporary export management. This strategic partnership aims to open up diverse markets worldwide, enabling Le Bontà to share its exquisite offerings and rich heritage with customers around the globe.

Internet Site


Natural Haircare Attitude

MAXXelle is an all-natural hair care brand proudly made in Italy, offering a range of products designed to nourish and revitalize hair with high-quality, eco-friendly ingredients. Committed to sustainability and excellence, MAXXelle emphasizes the importance of healthy hair care.

To support their growth, we at Making Business Happen are partnering with them providing them full support within the sector of digital temporary export management. This collaboration aims to expand their presence in diverse markets, with a particular focus on India and the Middle East, allowing them to share their exceptional products with a broader audience.

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